Healthy Eating for Women

Healthy eating for women is a way of eating that improves their health and helps prevent diseases, according to It also means getting nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, proteins, and water from what they eat and drink. “Studies show that when a woman eats healthy, everyone in her household is likelier to eat healthily.” However, healthy eating does not have to be a specific diet or type of food. The key to healthy eating is your overall pattern of eating.

Healthy eating helps:

  • Your body and brain get the energy you need to think and be physically active
  • Your body gets the essential vitamins and minerals to stay alive and healthy. For example, your body needs iron to help deliver oxygen to all of your muscles and organs. Vitamin C helps your body make new skin cells and collagen. Vitamin A helps you see better at night.
  • You reach and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Lower your risks of diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes

The old saying “you are what you eat” is true. What you eat and drink becomes the building blocks for all your body’s cells. Over time, your food and drink choices affect your health.

For more information about healthy eating, call the OWH Helpline at 1-800-994-9662 or click on the source link below:
